Southern IL Pro-Life Alliance November 5 Planning Meeting

11/05/2022 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM CT


What:   Planning Meeting to continue the work started at the September 24 Strategy meeting, to establish a structure for ongoing work, and to identify next steps.

Who:  All Christians who are interested in being part of one of the following groups are urged to attend:

  1. Work with area churches to educate congregation members about life issues and encourage them to become involved in the work on behalf of life.
  2. Foster prayer on behalf of life in different settings.
  3. Support a sidewalk presence at abortion facilities through prayerful witness and sidewalk counselors.
  4. Support pregnancy centers, especially Pregnancy Matters.
  5. Educate the public about life issues in Illinois.
  6. Influence local and state government to protect life.

When:  Saturday, November 5 from 9:00 a.m. to Noon.


Murdale Baptist Church

2701 West Main Street

Carbondale, IL 62901

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